Vision Therapy - COMING SOON!



You can think of vision therapy as physical therapy for the eyes and the brain. The neurological aspect is very important because the eyes are direct physical extensions of the brain. We see with our brains and minds, not just our eyes.

Vision therapy is a highly effective non-surgical treatment for many common visual problems such as lazy eye (amblyopia), crossed eyes (strabismus), double vision, convergence insufficiency, and vision conditions that interfere with learning. Individually prescribed In-office sessions introduce a sequence of therapeutic procedures that develop efficient visual skills and visual processing. Specialized lenses, filters, occluders, instruments and digital programs are utilized to maximize benefits by ensuring all visual skills are fully integrated at an automated level.

Vision Therapy Can Benefit Children and Adults


Reading Delays

Any child who loses their place, skips words/sentences, or is not reading up to potential may benefit from vision therapy. By properly developing essential visual skills that have been lacking, a child can typically experience:

  • Decreased headaches & eyestrain

  • Increased reading speed & accuracy

  • Heightened focus & visual stamina

  • Improved comprehension

Visual Processing

Many children with learning delays and comprehension issues can benefit from vision therapy. The improvements in visual processing skills typically transfer to handwriting, copying, math, reading, and organization abilities. By strengthening key perceptual skills, vision therapy can improve the following areas:

  • Visual form perception: analyzing size, shape, and correctly identifying letters, numbers and words

  • Directionality: knowing left from right, especially as it relates to letters and numbers

  • Visual memory: recalling visually presented information

  • Visual-motor integration: combining visual information with motor output such as in copying from the board

  • Visual processing speed: processing visual information quickly and accurately


Stress Related  Problems

Many adults experience visual stress while reading, completing paperwork, or working on the computer. By strengthening key visual skills, vision therapy patients experience:

  • Better eye comfort

  • Improved visual efficiency

  • Increased attention to detail

  • Heightened focus and stamina

Learning Related Problems

Adults with visual related learning problems have often struggled with these issues since childhood. By improving key visual processing skills, vision therapy helps adults enhance their ability to:

  • Process visual information accurately

  • Multi-task, organize, and prioritize

  • Easily visualize and remember data

  • Comprehend directions and symbols

Sports Vision Improvement

Strong visual skills are critical to success in sports. Vision therapy can give you the cutting edge, by successfully improving your:

  • Eye-hand coordination

  • Visual reaction time

  • Peripheral vision and depth perception

  • Eye focusing, tracking, and teaming

  • Visualization skills